Community Outreach
The Community Outreach Committee of BHWC focuses on enhancing the welfare of the Belle Haven neighborhood and the surrounding communities. The committee meets on the second Tuesday of each month (September through May). Activities have included collecting donations for organizations supported by the BHWC (such as coffee for the Penn Daw Fire Station and non-perishable food items for United Community). Community Outreach has also provided meals in support of the Rising Hope Anti-Hypothermia facility along the Route 1 corridor. The committee sends condolence or get-well cards to BHWC members or neighbors, as appropriate. The committee also gathers together in late April to make May Day flower baskets for distribution to current Board members, to recognize members who have contributed a great deal of time and effort to the BHWC during the past year, and to neighbors who may have been ill or had difficult circumstances during the past year. We host a Holiday luncheon each December and the Community Outreach Annual Picnic luncheon in May. Both events are open to the entire BHWC membership.